Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stampin' Up! Convention

Last week Stampin' Up! held their annual convention for US and Canadian demonstrators in Salt Lake City, Utah. I didn't participate in convention but I did stalk the blogs of some demonstrators who did.  You all know the name Heather Summers - I mention her a lot.  Well she is the number one demonstrator for Canada - a well deserved honour for an energetic lady who not only manages her Stampin' Up! business but is raising a young family as well.

My own upline Josee Smuck along with another 5 demonstrators from her group were in the top 15 demonstrators. A fantastic accomplishment - especially for Josee who had a major move during the past year.

Here is a quick video with some of the highlights of the convention.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Marjorie! I can't wait for you to join us one year soon:)
